Sunday, August 24, 2008

Score: Them-3 , Me -0

It's been a while, and I know there's an awful lot of updating needed, but here are today's gems:

Griffin: "mumble, mumble, abaho"
Me "What did you say?"
Daniel "He said 'abaho'"
Me: "Griffin, what does that mean in Spanish?"
Griffin: "down"
Me: "Very good! Now how do you say "I want to get down" in Spanish?"
Griffin: " 'Please?' "

That's what you get for trying to egg on a 3 year old.

Also, to explain the title, my left hand is fearing for its safety right now. Last week I thought I broke my left foot after smashing it into the metal safety gate at the top of the stairs (just a bad sprain, thankyouverymuch). Last night I was noticing that now my right foot is feeling funny and noticed that two of my middle toes are doing something wonky - to be revisited when health insurance becomes effective Sept 1. And today, while running a reluctant 3 year old to the bathroom in Kohls (which proved to be futile, as said child pooped his pants 3 hours later in the Asian bistro), I wacked my free hand against a metal display rack and now my right thumb has an unusual lump and I can't bend it. Again, hopefully this can wait until the health insurance kicks in.

So, I get home, bathe my 2 filthy offspring and read them a book, as all nice mothers do. Aforementioned 3 year old menace doesn't approve of my second selection (Diary of a Worm) and lets me know it by clocking me in the face with the first selection (In the Night Kitchen aka "look - he's nakey!")

So, if you are keeping score, you know I am not bringing home the gold anytime soon...

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